Recipe: Kale & Spinach Scrambled Eggs

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This dish is so versatile, and perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It's also a nutritious meal if you don't have much time on your hands, as it can be prepped and served all within 20 minutes.


3 large free-range eggs

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 cup kale, roughly cut

1 cup spinach

Dash of water

½ tsp turmeric

Salt and ground black pepper

Cayenne pepper (optional)

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Dash of water


In a medium saucepan, melt coconut oil over medium heat.

In a small bowl beat eggs. Add the turmeric, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper (optional) and dash of water.

Add kale and apple cider vinegar to saucepan and cook for 3 minutes.

When the kale has softened, add the egg mixture and gently stir.

After one minute, add the spinach and continue to stir until scrambled and just cooked.

Serve alone, or with salad or gluten-free toast (Nonie's is my favourite).


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